Saturday, July 28, 2007

New site: ProxyMeet


didn't write for a while. But I'm back now :).
And started a new site:

A site to surf trought banned sites.

I also need backlinks, reply if you want to trade :).

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Domains for sale

For sale:

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Predicted PR

Yes! The pagerank is coming very very close :).
And i've got 3 PR4 predictions!!! I'm so exiting. PR2, Predicted PR4 PR0, Predicted PR4 PR2, Predicted PR4

Thanks to the signature links from:
Digital Point , Ep2 and some other forums.
Thanks again Shawn and Jasper!

Ofcourse, it's only predicted. Only google will know for now.
But in a few days, maybe weeks. The update is finnished and we'll know it for sure.

Friday, July 20, 2007

SEO ebook


another day, another post :).
Haven't done or sold anything today...
But I did make a review of an SEO ebook.

Link to the ebook:
This was my review:
The ebook is very nice. But not had no new things for me.
Its very handy for a newbie, but it's useless for a well known user.
It misses a few things like:
-No parameters ( and
-No javascript, search engines don't read javascript.
-No frames
-CSS shorthand code
-W3C Valid XHTML Strict
-semantic XHTML
-Table-less design

In my opinion is this ebook very usefull and a musthave for a newbie. But it's just the basics.

If you are new with seo, you realy need to buy this ebook otherwise its useless.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bad bad day, but adsense all the way!


today was a realy heavy, crappy and bad day!
-No sales
-Msn was full of noobs
-Irc was full of noobs
-Gameserver was full with cheaters
-I really wasn't in the mood

But one happy thing! : Adsense finally goes well :).
Ok, I don't make dollars a day, not even in a week. But I finally get views and even the first cents are coming in.
This blog and the ad revenue of Dp makes me like 3/5 cents a day.
No, that is not much. But everbody started with nothing.
And remember, I am still making my long way to the top.

Hopefully I get my first payout in a few months :).

New sale: Software Pack 2

For sale:
- Software Pack 2

How do I get these:
Bought them with resellrights.

Normal: 1$
Resellrights: 2.5$
Master resellrights: 5$


Payment method:

Paypal only

By the way:
I do want to trade instead of money. If you got a good script, database, template,... Please pm me. And maybe we can make a deal :).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Current sales

Current sales at Dp:

-Software pack

-15 Ebooks | 15$ | First 10 buyers 25% discount and FREE stuff

-[Script]Photo contest script! | 10$

-150k E-mail database | 1.5$

-99 Flash Banners | 2$ |First 10 buyers 50%

-Benefits And Future of Web 2.0 |A Guide to learn about Web 2.0 Business...

-Mass mailer script



I am realy in to computers and internet. And I always like lan parties :).
Well, tomorrow (22.5hrs accualy) there is the biggest lan of the year; Campzone.
And I'm not going...:'(.
Why not? I don't have the money. The ondoor price is 230€, thats +/-320$. And I had a loan of 125€ (+/-175$) by my parents.
Thats +/- 350€ (500$) all together.

So a couple a days ago I decided to go whatever it takes. So I began to work, sell and sell.
I made a few bucks by helping my parents (+/-35$), and sold my mass mailer with 150k maillinglist.

While selling my mailldb I made some trades. That gives me even more stuff to sell.
After a day I got 7$, a big (1.15gb) article db with script, a software pack, ebook pack and 8 scripts.
All with resellrights.

The second day I wanted to sell 1 of the 8 scripts I bought.
But that wasn't realy a succes,
I only sold 1 copy :(.

I also tried to sell some ebooks, buy nobody was intrested...
Maybe I need to present them better?

After 2 days, (2 days from Campzone) I still had 42$ (7 + 35) and I needed 458$ more.
The next morning when I woke up I checked Dp and found some pm's. I never had that much pm's in one night before.
That day I was sitting in my chair and checking Dp every hour :p.
It made me 17$. Still not much, but I'm still making my way to the top :).

So I got 59$ (42 + 17) now. Still a long road to go...
Tomorrow is Campzone and I only made 4$ on sales today :(.
But I sold a domain, 3 char: for 50€ (70$).
Thats 125$ now, not quite enought...

But I found some money on my bank account: 50€ (70$)
So I got 195$ now. Thats enough to pay off my parents. And the start of Campzone :).
And thats where the new challenge starts...How to make 300$ in 21 hours...?

I probably not going to make it, cause I am still a young marketingkid with too less expirience for this.
But I can make a start :). And if I don't make it, I got the money for next year :).

This is the story of what happend last week, but I am trying to make a whole story of the process that I'm making to become a young millionaire.

It may never happen, but I think I realy need to try. And maybe, just maybe I see you in a few years on a golf club.