Wednesday, July 18, 2007



I am realy in to computers and internet. And I always like lan parties :).
Well, tomorrow (22.5hrs accualy) there is the biggest lan of the year; Campzone.
And I'm not going...:'(.
Why not? I don't have the money. The ondoor price is 230€, thats +/-320$. And I had a loan of 125€ (+/-175$) by my parents.
Thats +/- 350€ (500$) all together.

So a couple a days ago I decided to go whatever it takes. So I began to work, sell and sell.
I made a few bucks by helping my parents (+/-35$), and sold my mass mailer with 150k maillinglist.

While selling my mailldb I made some trades. That gives me even more stuff to sell.
After a day I got 7$, a big (1.15gb) article db with script, a software pack, ebook pack and 8 scripts.
All with resellrights.

The second day I wanted to sell 1 of the 8 scripts I bought.
But that wasn't realy a succes,
I only sold 1 copy :(.

I also tried to sell some ebooks, buy nobody was intrested...
Maybe I need to present them better?

After 2 days, (2 days from Campzone) I still had 42$ (7 + 35) and I needed 458$ more.
The next morning when I woke up I checked Dp and found some pm's. I never had that much pm's in one night before.
That day I was sitting in my chair and checking Dp every hour :p.
It made me 17$. Still not much, but I'm still making my way to the top :).

So I got 59$ (42 + 17) now. Still a long road to go...
Tomorrow is Campzone and I only made 4$ on sales today :(.
But I sold a domain, 3 char: for 50€ (70$).
Thats 125$ now, not quite enought...

But I found some money on my bank account: 50€ (70$)
So I got 195$ now. Thats enough to pay off my parents. And the start of Campzone :).
And thats where the new challenge starts...How to make 300$ in 21 hours...?

I probably not going to make it, cause I am still a young marketingkid with too less expirience for this.
But I can make a start :). And if I don't make it, I got the money for next year :).

This is the story of what happend last week, but I am trying to make a whole story of the process that I'm making to become a young millionaire.

It may never happen, but I think I realy need to try. And maybe, just maybe I see you in a few years on a golf club.

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